I have the following error while trying to compile kernel Linux on Linux mint cinnamon 64bit
linux-3.17.1 # make modules_install
INSTALL arch/x86/crypto/aes-x86_64.ko
Can't read private key
make[1]: *** [arch/x86/crypto/aes-x86_64.ko] Error 2
make: *** [_modinst_] Error 2
This command (#make modules) had been done successfully without any errors. gcc, build-essentials and g++ are installed.
The system is running on virtual machine 4 cores + 3 GB of ram + 40GB freespace.
To solve this error I ran make, to compile the kernel first. I was trying make modules_install without compiling kernel first. Thus I ran the following.
I encountered the problem those days when I tried to compile kernel 3.17.6 on Ubuntu 14.04. I finally found this error is simply because that the
process didn't finished correctly. Just like the error described,Can't read private key.
The private key is generated when compiling the kernel at some steps. The message looks like:The reason I didn't realized that the
failed is that I usemake -j 16
to let 16 process compiling simultaneously and the error was overwritten. I failed because I use Ubuntu server without bc installed.I hope this information would help you.