I installed phpmyadmin on my ubuntu server following these steps here:
I installed apache, php, mysql following these steps:
and when I goto login to http://myserver.com/phpmyadmin I get this error:
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
What am I doing wrong? Am I missing a step that is not in the links above?
I have tried this:
mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET plugin='mysql_native_password' WHERE User='root';
mysql> exit;
$ service mysql restart
and this
mysql -u root -p
use mysql;
update user set plugin="" where user='root';
flush privilege;
This error can be fixed, the following command will reconfigure your phpMyAdmin credentials to gain access to the MYSQL DB:
/!\ This will provide few interactive menus that will allow you to reconfigure the phpMyAdmin package with NEW credentials /!\
But you could also reconfigure it manually :
1 - Log into mysql as root
2 - Make sure 'phpmyadmin' user exists :
3 - Switch to the appropriate MYSQL DB :
4 - Set new password for the phpmyadmin user