Getting Strange response from file_get_contents Method in php
$binaryfile = file_get_contents(''.$final_hash_std_cert.'&action=getFile&name='.$cert, false, stream_context_create($stream_opts));
echo $binaryfile;
on ajax side i'm doing this :
productCert = $(this).attr('data-cert');
type: "POST", // use $_POST method to submit data
url: my_ajaxurl, // where to submit the data
data: {
action : 'load_cert_action',
cert_url : productCert, // PHP: $_POST['first_name']
success:function(data) {
console.log(data); // here i'm getting strange output
// var pdfWindow ="");
// pdfWindow.document.write(data)
error: function(errorThrown){
console.log(errorThrown); // error
Getting this response in console :
%PDF-1.5 %���� 5 0 obj <>stream H���yTSw�oɞ����c [���5, �� �BHBK!aP�V�X��=u����:X��K�è���Z\;v^�����N�����߽��~��w��.M�h�a
this is just first four five lines. this is very large string of strange charters. I think issue with some UTF format. Not so sure. Help me please.