I am trying to create a multi-layer drilldown graph using highcharter
with dynamic data in shiny
. I am able to accomplish this using just R code with a set input
but when I put it in a shiny application and try to have it subset the data dynamically, it fails.
Below is the code that that works in R
(only drilling down from Farm to Sheep):
x <- c("Farm","Farm","Farm","City","City","City","Ocean","Ocean")
y <- c("Sheep","Sheep","Cow","Car","Bus","Bus","Boat","Boat")
z <- c("Bill","Tracy","Sandy","Bob","Carl","Newt","Fig","Tony")
a <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
dat <- data.frame(x,y,z,a)
input <- "Farm"
input2 <- "Sheep"
#First Tier
datSum <- dat %>%
group_by(x) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(a)
datSum <- arrange(datSum,desc(Quantity))
Lvl1dfStatus <- tibble(name = datSum$x, y = datSum$Quantity, drilldown = tolower(name))
#Second Tier
datSum2 <- dat[dat$x == input,]
datSum2 <- datSum2 %>%
group_by(y) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(a)
datSum2 <- arrange(datSum2,desc(Quantity))
Lvl2dfStatus <- tibble(name = datSum2$y,y = datSum2$Quantity, drilldown = tolower(name))
#Third Tier
datSum2 <- dat[dat$x == input,]
datSum3 <- datSum2[datSum2$y == input2,]
datSum3 <- datSum3 %>%
group_by(z) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(a)
datSum3 <- arrange(datSum3,desc(Quantity))
Lvl3dfStatus <- tibble(name = datSum3$z,y = datSum3$Quantity)
ClickedTest <- JS("function(event) {Shiny.onInputChange('ClickedInput', event.point.name);}")
highchart() %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "category") %>%
hc_add_series(Lvl1dfStatus, "column", hcaes(x = name, y = y), color = "#E4551F") %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal",
events = list(click = ClickedTest))) %>%
allowPointDrilldown = TRUE,
series = list(
list(id = tolower(input), type = "column", data = list_parse(Lvl2dfStatus)),
list(id = tolower(input2), type = "column", data = list_parse2(Lvl3dfStatus))
Below is the code that fails in Shiny
when changing input
to dynamic:
library (shinyjs)
library (tidyr)
library (data.table)
library (highcharter)
library (dplyr)
library (shinydashboard)
library (shiny)
x <- c("Farm","Farm","Farm","City","City","City","Ocean","Ocean")
y <- c("Sheep","Sheep","Cow","Car","Bus","Bus","Boat","Boat")
z <- c("Bill","Tracy","Sandy","Bob","Carl","Newt","Fig","Tony")
a <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
dat <- data.frame(x,y,z,a)
# input <- "Farm"
# input2 <- "Sheep"
header <- dashboardHeader()
body <- dashboardBody(
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
Lvl1ClickHardCoded <- ""
output$Test <- renderHighchart({
#First Tier
datSum <- dat %>%
group_by(x) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(a)
datSum <- arrange(datSum,desc(Quantity))
Lvl1dfStatus <- tibble(name = datSum$x, y = datSum$Quantity, drilldown = tolower(name))
#Second Tier
rowcheck <- dat[dat$x == input$ClickedInput,]
if (nrow(rowcheck)!=0){
datSum2 <- dat[dat$x == input$ClickedInput,]
datSum2 <- datSum2 %>%
group_by(y) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(a)
datSum2 <- arrange(datSum2,desc(Quantity))
Lvl2dfStatus <- tibble(name = datSum2$y,y = datSum2$Quantity, drilldown = tolower(name))
Lvl1ClickHardCoded <<- input$ClickedInput
Lvl1id <<- tolower(input$ClickedInput)
Lvl2dfStatus <- data.table(Group.1=numeric(), x=numeric())
Lvl2dfStatus <- tibble(name = Lvl2dfStatus$Group.1,y = Lvl2dfStatus$x)
Lvl1id <- ""
#Third Tier
rowcheck <- dat[dat$x == Lvl1ClickHardCoded,]
rowcheck <- rowcheck[rowcheck$y == input$ClickedInput,]
if (nrow(rowcheck)!=0){
datSum2 <- dat[dat$x == Lvl1ClickHardCoded,]
datSum3 <- datSum2[datSum2$y == input$ClickedInput,]
datSum3 <- datSum3 %>%
group_by(z) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(a)
datSum3 <- arrange(datSum3,desc(Quantity))
Lvl3dfStatus <- tibble(name = datSum3$z,y = datSum3$Quantity)
Lvl2id <<- tolower(input$ClickedInput)
Lvl3dfStatus <- data.table(Group.1=numeric(), x=numeric())
Lvl3dfStatus <- tibble(name = Lvl3dfStatus$Group.1,y = Lvl3dfStatus$x)
Lvl2id <- ""
ClickedTest <- JS("function(event) {Shiny.onInputChange('ClickedInput', event.point.name);}")
highchart() %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "category") %>%
hc_add_series(Lvl1dfStatus, "column", hcaes(x = name, y = y), color = "#E4551F") %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal",
events = list(click = ClickedTest))) %>%
allowPointDrilldown = TRUE,
series = list(
list(id = Lvl1id, type = "column", data = list_parse(Lvl2dfStatus)),
list(id = Lvl2id, type = "column", data = list_parse2(Lvl3dfStatus))
output$trial <- renderText({input$ClickedInput})
shinyApp(ui, server)
Your approach was kind of mislead by the click function. It is totally unnecessary, since (as can be seen in the non-shiny example) Highcharts has its own mechanisms to detect series clicks and can find and render drilldowns on its own.
You trying to catch the click event made the Highcharts chart building function re-render every time (resetting any drilldown) so you could not see any drilldown events at all.
The solution is to just copy your working Highcharts example into the
function. You will immediately see that the "Farm" and "Sheep" dropdowns work.I suppose that you were confusing yourself by using the terms "input" for the sublevel names as they are no input at all (in the shiny sense). What you have to do to get the drilldown working properly is to predefine the drilldown sets when you create the Highcharts chart. So you tell the Plugin in advance what drilldowns will be used and Highchart drills down only based on the IDs you specify.
I edited your code such that all the possible drilldowns are created in a loop and everything is working:
If for any reason, you should not be satisfied with collecting all drilldowns beforehand, there is an api for adding drilldowns on the fly. Try searching for Highcharts and "addSeriesAsDrilldown". I am not sure, however, if this is accessible outside of JavaScript.