I am working on a windows phone app.
Just want to ask for some suggestion. Here is the problem:
I want to store a time in somewhere and use the time to check if I need an internal file update. (if my file has not been updated in 60 days, update it. something like this)
I am not sure if I can have access to the registry directly in the app. and the other possible way to solve the problem is maybe save the timestamp to a file in isolated storage. But I dont have a lot idea about how to save it in a easy to use format and how to read it again.
Any suggestions about saving timestamp?
Thank you
To save, just use a .ToString() on the date as you write it to isolated storage. To revive it as a date, read it out as a string, then parse it using the DateTime class.
An example is below. m_Helper is a utility class I have for reading and writing strings to isolated storage.