I have my ELK setup like below:
HOST1: Component(which generates log) + Logstash (To send logs to redis)
HOST2: Redis + Elasticsearch + Logstash ( To parse data based on grok and send it to elasticsearch on same setup)
HOST3: Redis + Elasticsearch + Logstash ( To parse data based on grok and send it to elasticsearch on same setup)
HOST4: nginx + Kibana 4
Now when I send one error log line from logstash to redis, I get double entry in Kibana 4. Like below:
Plus I didnt get any email alert from logstash, although it is configured to send alert when severity == "Erro".
this is part of logstash conf file:
output {
elasticsearch { host => ["<ELK IP>"] port => "9200" protocol => "http" }
if [severity] =~ /Erro/
email {
from => "someone@somedomain.com"
subject => "Error Alert"
to => "someone@somedomain.com"
via => "smtp"
htmlbody => "<h2>Error Alert1</h2><br/><br/><div
options => [
"smtpIporHost", "smtp.office365.com",
"port", "587",
"domain", "smtp.office365.com",
"userName", "someone@somedomain.com",
"password", "somepasswd",
"authenticationType", "login",
"starttls", "true"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
I am using following custom grok pattern to parse log line:
ABLOGLEVEL (Note|Erro|Fatl|Warn|Urgt)
ABLOG %{ABTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{HOST:hostname} %{WORD:servername} %{INT:pid} %{INT:lwp} %{INT:thread} %{ABLOGLEVEL:severity};%{USERNAME:event}\(%{NUMBER:msgcat}/%{NUMBER:msgnum}\)%{GREEDYDATA:greedydata}
Any help here as, how to get each email alert for every error log line?
Thanks in advance!
resolved it... Actually I was having multiple conf files in logstash/conf.d folder. I removed all unnecessary files and only kept my conf file and now its working. :). Thank you Val for your help