I have an array of n different elements in javascript, I know there are n! possible ways to order these elements. I want to know what's the most effective (fastest) algorithm to generate all possible orderings of this array?
I have this code:
var swap = function(array, frstElm, scndElm) {
var temp = array[frstElm];
array[frstElm] = array[scndElm];
array[scndElm] = temp;
var permutation = function(array, leftIndex, size) {
var x;
if(leftIndex === size) {
temp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
temp += array[i] + " ";
console.log("---------------> " + temp);
} else {
for(x = leftIndex; x < size; x++) {
swap(array, leftIndex, x);
permutation(array, leftIndex + 1, size);
swap(array, leftIndex, x);
arrCities = ["Sidney", "Melbourne", "Queenstown"];
permutation(arrCities, 0, arrCities.length);
And it works, but I guess swapping every item to get the combinations is a bit expensive memory wise, I thought a good way of doing it is just focusing on the indexes of the array and getting all the permutations of the numbers, I'm wondering if there's a way of computing all of them without having to switch elements within the array? I guess recursively is possible to get all of them, I need help to do so.
So for example if I have:
arrCities = ["Sidney", "Melbourne", "Queenstown"];
I want the output to be:
I'm reading this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permutation#Algorithms_to_generate_permutations
But Wikipedia has never been good at explaining. I don't understand much of it, I have to say my math level isn't the best.
This function,
, returns all the permutations of a given array:This is my version based on le_m's code:
This is my recursive JavaScript implementation of the same algorithm:
Using Heap's method (you can find it in this paper which your Wikipedia article links to), you can generate all permutations of N elements with runtime complexity in O(N!) and space complexity in O(N). This algorithm is based on swapping elements. AFAIK this is as fast as it gets, there is no faster method to calculate all permutations.
For an implementation and examples, please have a look at my recent answer at the related question "permutations in javascript".