I have applied bindings to the following view model
var groupDeleteViewModel = {
group: { Id: ko.observable(), Name: ko.observable(), Members: ko.observableArray() },
load: function (item) {
remove: function (item) {
cancel: function () {
the remove function loads the view with the data that has been passed in item to the remove function.
<div id="groupDelete" class="pop-window filter-view">
Delete Group
<span data-bind="text:group.Name" />
<!--ko foreach: group.Members-->
<div data-bind="text:Name" class="grey-border">
<span class="centeralign">
<input type="button" value="Delete" data-bind="click: remove" class="delete" />
<input type="button" value="Cancel" data-bind="click: cancel" />
I don't want to keep mapping each element of item to each element of groupDeleteViewmodel.group. I have done it at a lot of other places also in the code which has made the code really messy. I want to use the ko.mapping plugin to do the same thing.
Till now what I have tried is -
remove:function (item){
var data = ko.mapping.toJS(item);
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, groupDeleteViewModel.group);
But this just does not work. i really don't know why. It should have worked ideally. Can someone tell what is the right way of using ko.mapping in such a case?
The mapping plugin is looking for mapping data already present in
, but it doesn't find it, because you didn't initializegroupDeleteViewModel.group
using the mapping plugin. So instead of initializing group like you did:initialize it using the mapping plugin:
And this is me fiddling around with your code: fiddle