I have a report that lists the sales for a salesperson for the month. When the type of sale is "Open", the cell in column D will start with O (Open order, open layaway, etc). I can't include the open orders in the subtotal for their monthly sales, but instead have the opens orders in a separate section below their sales in a section called "Open Orders".
So what I need the macro to do is whenever a cell in column D starts with an O, cut whole row and insert (needs to be insert so their isn't blanks when pasting) paste below the data. This will shift the data since we are inserting. The problem that I'm having is that the macro will continue to cut and paste even though we have gone through all the rows in the data set.
Sub MoveOPENS()
'this is what im using to establish the last row in the data set
Cells(1, 1).Select
nRowMax = Selection.Row
For i = 2 To nRowMax
sItem = Cells(i, 4)
Do While Left(sItem, 1) = "O"
'moves the cursor to below the data set
Selection.Offset(4, 0).Select
'this part works well but it thinks the loop doesn't stop
'and will start copy and pasting below the new data section
sItem = Cells(i, 4)
Next i
End Sub
How can i get the macro to know when we have reached the last row so it doesn't continue cutting and paste the rows we just copied and pasted? let me know if you need more details
I hope you don't mind that I re-wrote the code from scratch. It looks like you might have recorded a macro to do this, which is a good place to start when you are not sure how to approach it, but it also produces some very inefficient and confusing code sometimes.
Anyway, this should work for you:
How about:
Since you cut rows your nRowMax gets meaningless. Say, you have 1000 rows, but you cut 100 of them, so eventually you'll have 900 rows but you still try to loop through between 901st and 1000nd rows as well.
as a solution, you could create your loop as a do loop instead of for loop, like below.