I found questions about this problem but no working answer, so any help is appreciated :)
I want to display a list of the lastest Record made by each Client. Records is a model, which has Client as a field. Client is a ForeignKey for User.
For example
Client3 --- Record6
Client2 --- Record5
Client2 --- Record4
Client1 --- Record3
Client1 --- Record2
Client1 --- Record1
#Wanted: we only keep one Record per Client, the lastest one.
Client3 --- Record6
Client2 --- Record5
Client1 --- Record3
This is what I have tried:
def LastRecordPerClient(request):
id_list = Record.objects.order_by('-date').values_list('client__id').distinct()
records = Record.objects.filter(id__in=id_list)
return (request, 'records/record_list.html', {"records": records})
This is what I get in my shell:
<QuerySet []>
Any idea?
EDIT : Solution Found
I found this solution :
class LastestListView(ListView):
context_object_name = 'records'
model = models.Record
ordering = ['-date']
paginate_by = 10
def get_queryset(self):
return self.model.objects.filter(pk__in=
Why notRecord.objects.filter(client_id=<client_id>).order_by('-date').last()
?I see, then the best way may be with a
Then in your view:
This would give you the output you asked for in the question.