Conflict with the loading image when using continu

2019-08-17 16:00发布

In my website I've added a newsletter button that has a continuous flashing effect (black to red) using fading effects with jquery and it works fine.

Keeping in mind that I'm using Ajax to get the content of pages without refreshing the page.

When loading the page it shows animated loading image while the page loading and its all working fine also.

but I've noticed that the loading image does not animate on IE and I've found that the flashing of the button causes that.

this issue exists only on IE. Do you have any Ideas to solve this Issue?

the Code I'm using is:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

//This function used to make the button flashing
    function flick(){

//This part is showing the loading div and then hides the existing content then loads the page request then hides the loading image
// Loading image is .gif animated 

                    $.get(url, {"ajaxed": "true"} ,function(data, status, xmlHttp) {
                        var container = $("<div></div>");
                    var content = $(".inner",container).html();



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