I am trying to get a h.264 video to autoplay in Qualtrics. Here is the HTML code for the video (I've removed the source from the code).
<video class="qmedia" controls="true" height="480" preload="auto" width="640"><source src="blah" type="video/mp4" /><embed align="middle" autoplay="true" bgcolor="white" class="qmedia" controller="true" height="480" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" src="blah" type="video/quicktime" width="640" /></video>
I've tried autoplay ="true" and autoplay ="autoplay" and adding < video autoplay> to the end of the code. None of these have caused the video to autoplay. Does anyone know how to enable this in the HTML?
autoplay and controls are both just true if they exist, no need to set them equal to anything. The following worked fine in my test: