I have an oracle query which returns next mont first sunday. now i have a condition here to check if the date which has passed is first sunday of current month, then we need second sunday in current month. Else, next month first sunday.
My query:
DEF startDate = to_date('somedate', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
Select next_day(last_day(&startDate),'Sunday' ) from dual ;
Expected output: if we input 1st july 2018, it has to return 8th july 2018(second sunday) else, any other day apart from first sunday like, (2nd july 2018), it has to return 5th Aug 2018.
Input Expected Output
01-Jul-18 08-Jul-18,
02-Jul-18 05-Aug-18,
05-Aug-18 12-Aug-18,
19-Aug-18 02-Sep-18.
Based on the description in your question and comments you want something like:
With some sample dates in a CTE, including some discussed but also others:
column is the one you're interested in, the others just try to show the working a bit.It looks odd to have the result dates out of sequence compared to the input dates - 2018-06-03 going to 2018--06-10 then those both before and after it go to 2018-07-01. But that seems to be what you want.