I am using google login for my Xamarin iOS app, however after successfully entering the username and password in the safari browser prompt that appears, It returns properties CurrentUser as null.
My Code:
Google.SignIn.SignIn.SharedInstance.Delegate = this;
Google.SignIn.SignIn.SharedInstance.UIDelegate = this;
Google.SignIn.SignIn.SharedInstance.SignedIn += SharedInstance_SignedIn;
private void SharedInstance_SignedIn(object sender, SignInDelegateEventArgs e)
var signin = (Google.SignIn.SignIn)sender;
//Here if i debug signin variable, its property CurrentUser comes as null
I am using Xamarin.IOS.Google.Signin: v4.0.1.1
Am I missing some setting that needs to be enabled in the Google api console?
indicate the class that raised the event.To get User ,you can use
here explatins the function of method