I have a bunch of ellipses that initially are lined on top of a path and should move along the QPainterPath. I have it working for the first ellipse but I can't figure out how to get the correct position for the other ellipses.
Is there a way to check if it passed the end of the path and move it back to the beginning?
class Animation : public QAbstractAnimation
Animation(const QPainterPath& path, QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
virtual void updateCurrentTime(int ms) override;
virtual int duration() const override;
QPainterPath mPath;
QVector<EllipseGraphicsItem*> mAnimationElements;
Animation::Animation (const QPainterPath& path, QObject *parent) : QAbstractAnimation(parent)
, mPath(path)
qreal pos = 0;
qreal length = mPath.length();
while (pos < length)
qreal percent = path.percentAtLength(pos);
QPointF pointAtPercent = path.pointAtPercent(percent);
pos += 40;
EllipseGraphicsItem * item = new EllipseGraphicsItem(parentItem());
void Animation::updateCurrentTime(int ms)
QPointF point = mPath.pointAtPercent(qreal(ms) / 6000);
if (mAnimationElements.size() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < mAnimationElements.size(); i++) {
// how to update each circle's position?
Start the animation:
QPainterPath path;
path.moveTo(10, 10);
path.lineTo(QPointF(500, 10));
path.lineTo(QPointF(500, 700));
path.lineTo(QPointF(10, 700));
Animation *animation = new Animation(path, this);
Imho, it would be easier to use a
with aQPropertyAnimation
:Use a property that varies between 0 and the length of the path and place your elements by calculating their positions from its value and their position in the list.
A quick example :
The modulo allows you to create an infinte loop for each ellipse.