I'm getting really frustrated with WinRT (Windows 8 apps). I've been running into a lot of problems with the most basic functionality and no documentation to support it.
So, here's my next question of the series I've already posted regarding WinRT:
<MediaElement Width="500"
Source="ms-appx:///Assets/SampleVideo.wmv" />
Why doesn't this work?!!!
- No video displays.
- No audio played.
- No error messages.
- No exceptions thrown.
None of these events are raised:
- MediaOpened
- MediaFailed
- MediaEnded
- SeekCompleted
- DownloadProgressChanged
- BufferingProgressChanged
The only event raised is CurrentStateChanged which happens when the State is "Opening". And that's it. Nothing else happens.
I tried doing it manually using a stream like this:
var packageLocation = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
var assetsFolder = await packageLocation.GetFolderAsync("Assets");
var myVideo = await assetsFolder.GetFileAsync("SampleVideo.wmv");
var stream = await myVideo.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
_Player.SetSource(stream, myVideo.ContentType);
This doesn't work either. Same inactivity.
The SampleVideo.wmv file is build type Content and I can open it fine in Windows Media Player and Zune. So there's absolutely no problems with the video file. However, I did try other files, like MP4, AVI, etc. Nothing works.
Is anyone else having problems? Any help would be appreciated.
After 48 hours of research and painful trial n' error, I found this link on the MSDN forums.
In the end, Windows 8 does not bubble up exceptions to the app. The MediaElement silently fails, while all other video players run fine.
The solution: if you have Bootcamp on any Mac Laptop/Desktop, then go directly to the graphics manufacturer and download their latest drivers. For me, I have a MacBook Pro 17" and it uses the AMD Radeon 6600m series. The drivers can be found here for 64-bit versions.
Anyway, my apologies for wasting anyone's time.
Thanks @JimO'Neil for trying to help :)