I am new to angulardart and I am working on mailer, but I am having an error that says:
dart_sdk.js:100398 EXCEPTION: Unsupported operation: Platform._localHostname STACKTRACE: dart:sdk_internal
get localHostname package:mailer2/src/smtp/smtp_options.dart 4:25
new package:mailer2/src/smtp/helper_options.dart 12:24
new package:DigitalHrSummit/src/components/homepagecomponent/homepage_component.dart 68:21 onSubmit package:DigitalHrSummit/src/components/homepagecomponent/homepage_component.template.dart 1025:8 [_handle_click_287_0] package:angular/src/core/linker/app_view.dart 602:29
src__core__linker__app_view_utils.appViewUtils.eventManager.zone.runGuarded.dart.fn package:angular/src/core/zone/ng_zone.dart 134:16
parent.run.dart.fn dart:sdk_internal
run package:angular/src/core/zone/ng_zone.dart 131:18
[_run] dart:sdk_internal
runGuarded package:angular/src/core/zone/ng_zone.dart 302:22
runGuarded package:angular/src/core/linker/app_view.dart 601:37
Basically I just have the sample code that can be found here . I have my gmail username and password in the options variable.
I have the sample code inside my .dart component(homepage_component.dart)
import 'package:mailer2/mailer.dart';
class HomeComponent(){
void onSubmit(Map<String, dynamic> contactUsInfo) {
//Gmail account used to send email
var options = new GmailSmtpOptions()
..username = 'my-gmail-account'
..password = 'my-gmail-password';
// Create our email transport.
var emailTransport = new SmtpTransport(options);
// Create our mail/envelope.
var envelope = new Envelope()
..from = 'sender-email-here'
..subject = 'Testing the Dart Mailer library'
//..attachments.add(new Attachment(file: new File('path/to/file')))
..text = 'This is a cool email message. Whats up?'
..html = '<h1>Test</h1><p>Hey!</p>';
// Email it.
.then((envelope) => print('Email sent!'))
.catchError((e) => print('Error occurred: $e'));
Please help me guys. Thank you.
This library imports
and therefore it isn't usable on the web.