I am using following formula to calculate sum based on multiple sheets, here is the scenario
Total 2 sheets, Data and Translation,
In Data sheet i have employee name in C Column, Hours in J column,
In Translation sheet i have Department in A Column, Employee name in C column, and Rate in E column, so i have Department name, from that name i need to calculate total $ spent,
I have following formula, that will capture total rate (COUNTIF(H7,Translation!$A$2:$A$27)*Translation!$E$2:$E$27)
but its not calculating total hours (LOOKUP(IF(H7=Translation!$A$2:$A$27,Translation!$C$2:$C$27),'Data '!$C$2:$C$410,'Data '!$J$2:$J$410)
Please let me know
=SUMPRODUCT(IFERROR(LOOKUP(IF(H7=Translation!$A$2:$A$27,Translation!$C$2:$C$27),'Data '!$C$2:$C$410,'Data '!$J$2:$J$410),0)*COUNTIF(H7,Translation!$A$2:$A$27)*Translation!$E$2:$E$27)
You can't use
here because the lookup range isn't sorted ascending - you can useSUMIF
in place of LOOKUP, try this "array formula"=SUM(SUMIF(Data!C2:C500,IF(B2=Translation!A2:A500,Translation!C2:C500),Data!J2:J500)*COUNTIF(B2,Translation!A2:A500)*Translation!E2:E500)
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