This is a follow-up question to this question.
I have a list of compressed *.bz
files whose content I push through a pipe as follows:
result=$(find . -name '*bz2' -exec bzcat {} + \
| tee >( some | other | pipeline ) \
| grep -e "myString" \
| wc -l)
echo "${result} occurrences found"
This will process the decompressed contents of the files with a sub-pipeline (some | other | pipeline)
and at the same time count and return the occurrences of the string myString
The pipeline works but now I want to display a progress bar using Pipeline Viewer. The progress should be shown as the number of already processed *.bz2
If you care more about measuring the speed of
than the speed of the other components (which will eventually exhibit backpressure and slow the measured components down, but this may happen with more lag than you'd like without performance impeded by a smaller-n
argument added toxargs