I have a ScrollViewer on my MainPage that contains all other elements (except the AppBars of course). Scrolling works fine, but I want to disable the snap behavior (you drag the whole page to the left, release it and it will snap back). See the image (Background of ScrollViewer: Black, Background of Grid: White). So how can I disable this behavior? Also known as overscroll or bounce effect.
I just found out about IsScrollInertiaEnabled, but setting this to false doesn't help.
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollMode="Disabled"
<Grid Style="{StaticResource LayoutRootStyle}">
<RowDefinition Height="140"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<!-- Back button and page title -->
<!-- My content grid -->
Sorry misunderstood what you meant.. Post some additional xaml if you can.. scrollviewer container xaml might help
try something like this
To solve the problem set height of the object inside the scroll viewer, let say.. if you have a stack panel, set the Height="2000" or else... and DONE. Note: Don't put any height in scroll viewer.
I have other suggestion, i have faced similar problem, but i wanted to disable bounce, when only 1 element is in flipview.
So i did this:
Created a TemplatedControl:
CustomFlipView and it inherited from FlipView:
Next, i edited the FlipViewStyle to get the style code of FlipView ( yea, that big one ).
And copy-pasted into the Generic.xaml, into generated
So this gives me an opportunity to add names to such xaml controls, that by default are not named.
I have added a name to ItemsPresenter:
Next in the code of CustomFlipView i did this:
Hope this could give you a hint.