I made a little forest fire animation. My code is at the end of the question.
Here is some information before I ask my question :
- No tree :
forest[i,j] = 0
- A tree :
forest[i,j] = 1
- A tree on fire :
forest[i,j] = 2
Basically what happens is that constructforest
creates a 2 dimensional array called forest
of size n by m with a probability of tree occupancy called p. After that setonfire
sets on fire the forest
and while the forest
can burn spreadfire
spread the fire.
When I run forestfire
with the Python prompt
or the IPython prompt
I get a nice animation but when I go check the video file that I saved I only see a blank plot.
I did some research, I found many questions about this issue but none of the advice I read was helpful:
- matplotlib animation produces a blank
- Matplotlib animation not working in IPython Notebook (blank plot)
- Animation from matplotlib not working in spyder
- Spyder Python Animation not working
Can someone tell me what is going on please ?
from random import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def hazard(p):
assert p>=0 and p<=1
return r <= p
def constructforest(n,m,p):
forest = np.zeros((n,n))
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(m):
if hazard(p):
forest[i,j] = 1
return forest
def setfire(forest,i,j):
forest[i,j] = 2
return forest
def spreadfire(forest):
c = np.copy(forest)
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(m):
if c[i,j] == 1:
Y, X = xrange(max(0,i-1),min(n,i+2)), xrange(max(0,j-1),min(m,j+2))
for y in Y:
for x in X:
if c[y,x] == 2:
forest[i,j] = 2
return forest
def canburn(forest):
c = np.copy(forest)
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(m):
if c[i,j] == 1:
Y, X = xrange(max(0,i-1),min(n,i+2)), xrange(max(0,j-1),min(m,j+2))
for y in Y:
for x in X:
if c[y,x] == 2:
return True
return False
def forestfire(forest):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
movie = []
# Colormap
red, green, blue = [(1,0,0,1)], [(0,1,0,1)], [(0,0,1,1)]
colors = np.vstack((blue, green, red))
mycmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_colormap', colors)
# Initialization
k = 0
forest = spreadfire(forest)
im = plt.imshow(forest, animated=True, cmap = mycmap, interpolation="none", origin='lower')
# Fire propagation
while canburn(forest):
k += 1
print k
forest = spreadfire(forest)
im = plt.imshow(forest, animated=True, cmap = mycmap, interpolation="none", origin='lower')
return animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, movie, blit=True, repeat_delay=100)
ani = forestfire(setfire(constructforest(101,101,0.4),50,50))
ani.save("forestfire_test.mp4", writer = 'ffmpeg', fps=5, dpi=500)
As requested by @Y.Luo by @ImportanceOfBeingErnest in the comments I downgraded matplotlib to 2.0.0 and I changed the framerate of the animation but forestfire_test.mp4
still displays a blank plot.