I downloaded the latest version of swig that I need to move to Ubuntu. I was hoping someone could help identify what part of my syntax is incorrect. I've tried a number of variations but I can't quite seem to get it write.
I've tried
scp swig-3.0.2 user_name@ swig-3.0.2
swig-3.0.2 is a directory (not copied)
scp swig-3.0.2 drubio@ /home/drubio/swig-3.0.2
No such file or directory
I've tried implementing directions that I've found on askubuntu.com reproduced here:
# copy a file from local machine to server1.com
user@local-machine# scp ./somefile.txt user1@server1.com:/home/user2
# copy a file from server1.com to server2.com
user@local-machine# ssh user1@server1.com
user1@server1# scp ./somefile.txt user2@server2.com:/home/user2
user@server1# logout
# copy a file from server2.com to server1.com
user@local-machine# ssh user2@server2.com
user2@server2# ls
somefile.txt otherfile.txt
user2@server2# scp ./otherfile.txt user1@server1.com:/home/user1
user2@server2# logout
# can't copy a file TO local-machine because it's not accessible from internet
All I'm trying to do is to copy the downloaded swig-3.03 located on my local machine's Desktop on to Ubuntu. I've checked on my local machine where I'm at and I've verified that I am in the Desktop directory. My username is correct and the path is right. I'm assuming that the mistake is the destination point. Am I wrong to assume this?
The correct syntax is:
Without the spaces!
The usage is for copy local to remote:
or for copy remote to local: