I've dug around and found the following but where not particularly useful (and why) - Does GridGain support SSL connection between each cluster member? was this wasn't so much useful as it didn't give much information on actually running and using the client - http://atlassian.gridgain.com/wiki/display/GG60/HTTP+Client unlike other parts of the documentation which comes with examples, the GridGain docs for HTTP REST client just shows you the fields and its properties
What I am trying to do: I have a cluster over a virtual network running on separate virtual machines. I wish to set up a REST service so that I can hit an endpoint to store data. ie. curl POST to localhost:8080/store/ with a parameters object (or some variation of this situation, so long as I can do it over HTTP) and have that data stored into the GridGain cache
GridGain REST protocol is MemCached compliant, so you can connect to GridGain using any MemCached compatible client.
GridGain downloadable distribution has PHP HTTP and MemCached examples in