I have tested recently in the mobile browser which has Raphael canvas where we can draw lines etc using tablet.
The speed and precision lacks when using svg to draw on browser for example, the lines breaks in between when drawing even though the touch is not stopped during the move etc.
So I m researching on what is used in the drawing app which are working perfectly for touch screens.
And if we want to have an drawing app on mobile browser which is best canvas or svg or neither as we don't want breaking lines when drawing?
And where I can start research more on drawing api's that used by android for drawing that is used by"pen memo, S2 and other touching apps".
Updated: check this jsfiddle
var canvas = $("#canvas");
paper = Raphael("canvas");
var clicking = false;
var line;
var pathArray = [];
canvas.bind("mousedown", _mousedownHandler);
canvas.bind("touchstart", _mousedownHandler);
function _mousedownHandler(event){
clicking = true;
// _drawArrowLineBegin(e);
if(event.type == "touchstart"){
event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];
function _mousemoveHandler(event){
// _drawArrowLineMove(event);
if(event.type == "touchmove"){
event = event.originalEvent.touches[0] || event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];
function _mouseupHandler(event){
clicking = false;
function _enableEvents(){
canvas.bind("mousemove.mmu", _mousemoveHandler);
canvas.one("mouseup.mmu", _mouseupHandler);
canvas.bind("touchmove.mmu", _mousemoveHandler);
canvas.one("touchend.mmu", _mouseupHandler);
function _drawArrowLineBegin(e) {
clicking = true;
line = paper.path("M" + (e.offsetX || e.clientX) + " " + (e.offsetY || e.clientY) + "L" + (e.offsetX || e.clientX) + " " + (e.offsetY || e.clientY)).attr({stroke:'#FF0000', 'stroke-width': 2, 'arrow-end': 'classic-wide-long'});
pathArray = line.attr("path");
function _drawArrowLineMove(e){
if(clicking == false) return;
if (pathArray[1][1] != undefined) { // not IE 8
pathArray[1][1] = e.offsetX || e.clientX;
pathArray[1][2] = e.offsetY || e.clientY;
} else {
pathArray = pathArray.replace(/L\d+ \d+$/, "L" + e.offsetX + " " + e.offsetY);
line.attr({path: pathArray});
function _drawFreeLineBegin(e) {
clicking = true;
line = paper.path("M"
+ (e.pageX) + ","
+ (e.pageY)).attr({stroke:'#FF0000', 'stroke-width': 2});
pathArray = line.attr("path");
function _drawFreeLineMove(e){
if(clicking == false) return;
+ "L"
+ (e.pageX)
+ ","
+ (event.pageY));
The issue mentioned regarding speed and performance is more intrinsic to the JavaScript library being used in SVG. In your fiddle, the performance issue in drawing is primarily because of the ever-expanding array of path and the fact that the entire path array is re-processed on every touch move. There is no simple way to fix this than working around it.
The implementation has two aspects:
function and directly sets the element's path usingdoodle.node.setAttribute('d', pathstring);
The fiddle (as of revision 24) looks like: