I am sending a POST JSON request to a URL and it is returning a JSON response. However, the array inside the JSON response is just returning [Object] instead of the Array of JSON elements it should be returning.
Why is this happening?
Ths is my code
var request = require('request');
var requestData = {
"deviceId": "Test",
"accountId": "100008288964"
const url = "https://ibluatapig.indusind.com/app/uat/balinq/AccountEnquiry?client_id=6867b781-9b21-45c5-9c55-948f7cd1a33f&client_secret=hP3yB3hM2oH4pH4hM1kV3uY8vR3qV7jY8cF6bG2sF5jX8lT1vN";
url: url,
method: "POST",
json: true,
header: {
"content-type": "application/json",
body: requestData
}, function(error, response,body){
if(!error && response.statusCode === 200){
} else {
console.log("error: "+ error);
console.log("response.statusCode: "+ response.statusCode);
console.log("response.statusText: "+ response.statusText);
And this is the response:
{ AEResponse:
{ status: 'SUCCESS',
accountID: '100008288964',
SchmType: '',
SchmCode: '',
AcctCurr: 'INR',
BankId: '',
Name: '',
BranchName: '',
BranchId: '',
City: '',
StateProv: '',
PostalCode: '',
Country: '',
AddrType: '',
Addr1: '',
Addr2: '',
Addr3: '',
[ [Object],
[Object] ] } }
Instead of these object elements, there should have been one array of small JSON objects of 2 elements each.
Any insights on why this would be happening would be much appreciated.