How can I make a layout with rounded corners? I want to apply rounded corners to my LinearLayout
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Use CardView in android v7 support library. Though it's a bit heavy, it solves all problem, and easy enough. Not like the set drawable background method, it could clip subviews successfully.
I think a better way to do it is to merge 2 things:
make a bitmap of the layout, as shown here.
make a rounded drawable from the bitmap, as shown here
set the drawable on an imageView.
This will handle cases that other solutions have failed to solve, such as having content that has corners.
I think it's also a bit more GPU-friendly, as it shows a single layer instead of 2 .
The only better way is to make a totally customized view, but that's a lot of code and might take a lot of time. I think that what I suggested here is the best of both worlds.
Here's a snippet of how it can be done:
EDIT: found a nice alternative, based on "RoundKornersLayouts" library. Have a class that will be used for all of the layout classes you wish to extend, to be rounded:
Then, in each of your customized layout classes, add code similar to this one:
If you wish to support attributes, use this as written on the library:
Another alternative, which might be easier for most uses: use MaterialCardView . It allows customizing the rounded corners, stroke color and width, and elevation.
And the result:
Do note that there is a slight artifacts issue at the edges of the stroke (leaves some pixels of the content there), if you use it. You can notice it if you zoom in. I've reported about this issue here.
I have done this way:
Check Screenshot:
Create drawable file named with
in drawable folder:Now apply Rectangle background on View:
Use CardView to get rounded edges for any layouts. Use card_view:cardCornerRadius="5dp" for cardview to get rounded layout edges.