I have a Wordpress blog and the only user input is the commenting system. I want to totally avoid spam comments. Wordpress comes with Akismet but I can also use Captcha. Which plugin/method should I use?
My client doesn't mind users entering verification strings to post comments. If I adopt either Akisment or Captcha will I be able to completely control the spam?
Is it possible to use either Akismet or Captcha for a simple 4-digit verification? If not then please also recommend a plugin/method capable of just a 4-digit verification.
Captchas aren't perfect. I've heard of people (e.g., from India) solving captchas for cash. The best way to stop spam is a combination of:
A better solution is to add an hidden input style text in the form, so is invisible at people, but not for bot, so when these spambot complete the form, write also in the hidden input and with a check 'if than else' you cannot receive comments or mail that are written by bot. Exemple:
I saw this video for MintEye the other day and thought that it was a really great alternative to captcha.
They boast a much higher solve rate and better spam protection.
The captchas seem to be fooled by adept people. The Akismet is better option in my view. Having said that you should still use captch along with Akismet :)
You'll never be able to completely avoid spam, but most fully automated spambots can be stopped by something like ReCaptcha.
Best captcha solution i know so far is Recaptcha (same used in stackoverflow).
if you want more security, you can build your own verification system.