In spring docs I have read about endpoint named "actuator" which is provided by actuator dependency, but I haven't managed to access it on my local testing app.
Question: Does someone know how to access that endpoint? of coarse if it is possible :)
Sub-question 1: If this endpoint exists, then why it is hidden?
Sub-question 2: If this endpoint doesn't exist, how can we notify to correct documentation page (open some kind of ticket) ?
- I want to access exactly "actuator" endpoint, not other endpoints provided by spring boot actuator (localhost:8080/actuator)
- Yes, I have tried to enable that endpoint manually in properties file (endpoints.enabled=true OR endpoints.actuator.enabled=true)
- Yes, I have tried to enable/disable endpoints.sencitive property
- Yes, other endpoints of actuator work just fine
- No special reason why I need that, just want to try it out (just learning new stuff :) )
- Please don't just answer "there is no such endpoint dude!", there should be some kind of reason why it is written in the docs
- Please use spring boot version which I am using now before answering "it is working for me with these configs" (spring boot version: 1.5.4.RELEASE)
- Thank you in advance :)
You must include the Spring Hateoas dependency in order for the
endpoint to become available:Per the docs: