I am wrapping ExchangeManagementShell Cmdlets in C#, to programmatically execute cmdlets (Please refer to __http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrdevelopment/thread/155504b3-ffe3-4bdf-887a-1e61842a8697)
I know the "databasecopies" property of mailboxdatabase contains copies. But i am not sure how to parse the deserilzied databasecopies data to get the properites.
For ex: please see the below code snippet. I am basically parsing Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet results to get the properties we are interested in. Not sure, how to get the DatabaseCopies from it though.
Any help or reference is greatly appreciated as i am kind of struck?
foreach (PSObject cmdletResults in this.Execute("Get-MailboxDatabase"))
MailboxDatabase mdb = new MailboxDatabase();
mdb.ExchangeApplicationSystemGlobalId = this.ExchangeApplicationSystem.GlobalId;
mdb.Name = cmdletResults.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString();
mdb.MountedOnServer = cmdletResults.Properties["Server"].Value.ConvertToString();
mdb.EdbFilePath = cmdletResults.Properties["EdbFilePath"].Value.ConvertToString();
mdb.LogFolderPath = cmdletResults.Properties["LogFolderPath"].Value.ConvertToString();
mdb.LogFilePrefix = cmdletResults.Properties["LogFilePrefix"].Value.ConvertToString();
mdb.Guid = cmdletResults.Properties["Guid"].Value.ToString();
string mt = cmdletResults.Properties["MasterType"].Value.ConvertToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mt))
mdb.MasterType = mt.ToEnum(MasterType.Unknown);
mdb.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup = cmdletResults.Properties["MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup"].Value.ConvertToString();
PSObject pso = cmdletResults.Properties["Servers"].Value as PSObject;
if (null != pso
&& null != pso.BaseObject)
ArrayList servers = pso.BaseObject as ArrayList;
if (null != servers)
mdb.Servers = servers.ToArray().Where(server => null != server)
.Select(server => server.ToString())
Even from PowerShell they are coming as plain strings.
PS C:> $md.type PS C:> $md.DatabaseCopies.gettype()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType -------- -------- ---- -------- True True ArrayList System.Object
PS C:> $md.DatabaseCopies[0].gettype()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType -------- -------- ---- -------- True True String System.Object
PS C:> $md.gettype() Method invocation failed because [Deserialized.Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.MailboxDatabase] d oesn't contain a method named 'gettype'. At line:1 char:12 + $md.gettype <<<< () + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (gettype:String) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
So, looks like i dont have any choice. I will looking for work around for my use case.
regards, Dreamer