This is my scenario: I have to setup a number of TFS 2013 Application Tier nodes (at least 6) and I am trying to automate the process, the nodes hosts also SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 SP1 in "cluster" (better group) configuration. I have no problem in installing SQL, but I am stuck with Reporting Services configuration.
The documentation states to use WMI to configure URLs, and the MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting class has a SetVirtualDirectory which seems appropriate. I see that the value changes in RS Configuration Manager, but the message
Report Server Web Service is not configured.
do not disappear.
My Powershell code is
$wmiName = (Get-WmiObject –namespace root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer –class __Namespace).Name
$rsConfig = Get-WmiObject –namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\$wmiName\v11\Admin" -class MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting -filter "InstanceName='SQLTFS'"
CheckHResult $rsConfig.SetVirtualDirectory("ReportServerWebService","ReportServer",0)
CheckHResult $rsConfig.SetVirtualDirectory("ReportManager","Reports",0)
CheckHResult $rsConfig.SetDatabaseConnection($DatabaseInstance, $DatabaseName, 2, $SqlCredential.UserName, $SqlCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
# force refresh
CheckHResult $rsConfig.SetServiceState($false,$false,$false)
Restart-Service $rsConfig.ServiceName
CheckHResult $rsConfig.SetServiceState($true,$true,$true)
# set key
& "$SQLBin\RSKeyMgmt.exe" -a -i SQLTFS -f $SSRSEncryptKeyFile -p $SSRSEncryptPassword
# join group
& "$SQLBin\RSKeyMgmt.exe" -j -m $workingNode -i SQLTFS -n SQLTFS
Found the culprit: need to call ReserveURL and use the
syntax for the URL. Calling this API restart the services so it could take a while to respond.New version of script is
I work in a datacenter and prior to discovering this method, I used an autoit program to configure the SSRS instance.
The thing I would like to add to this solution is configuring SSL and it can be done as follows
Some other very useful resources are