In my application the user is able to push a button to create and download a file. The process takes some time, so I want to block the UI during this process until the download window appears.
The action method were I am handling the response looks basically like this:
public void download() {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
// set content disposition etc.
XSSFWorkbook wb = getWorkbook();
In my JSF view I am triggering a blockUI component to disable the button like this:
<p:commandButton value="Doanload" id="b"
onclick="PF('crBui').show();" />
<p:blockUI block=":trGrid" widgetVar="crBui" trigger="b">
<p:graphicImage value="/images/loading.gif" alt="loading..."/>
I tried to use the PrimeFaces RequestContext to execute some JavaScript to hide the blockUI component, but that does not work. The JavaScript is not executed:
public void download() {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
// set content disposition etc.
XSSFWorkbook wb = getWorkbook();
If I am using a ajax call instead of the non-ajax call, then the file download does not work any longer.
Any suggestions how could I archieve my functionality?
You should use
instead of trying to create some homebrewn solution. Modified example from the showcase:xhtml:
I finally ended up using PrimeFaces 'PrimeFaces.monitorDownload()'
In my view:
The main trick to get the DownloadMonitor working is to simply set a Cookie in the response:
That way the UI-elements are blocked until the window for the FileDownload appears, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve in the very end.