I have facebook social comments box. How can I post comment through graph API to it?
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Its very easy as you post on user feed after getting access_token with publish stream token
I assume you use PHP SDK if you need in other let me known
You just need Step 4 but i give you more details in Step 1 to 3 so you can understand and do clearly
Step 1
get the user access token
Step 2
set default access token and profile
Step 3
compile the post
Step 4
post to wall or your Social Comment Plugin
Seems that it is not possible, and will never be:
I can give you half the answer to this question, but still need the other half very much myself. You can post a reply to an existing comment within Social Comments box by finding its post_fbid. To get this you can use FQL such as:
This query will need to be run through an escape() with the PAGE_URL and then used for an HTTP GET request:
With the post_fbid you can make a reply by doing an HTTP POST to:
Now for posting a new comment to the page this used to work until recently with an HTTP POST:
But currently this is consistently returning:
I hope this helps a bit and if anyone can shed some light if posting a new comment like this is even possible anymore it would be greatly appreciated.