I'm using the new PHP SDK 3.0 and I use the new getLoginUrl() function with the following parameters.
$paramsLogin = array(
'scope' => PERMISSIONS,
'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI
If the user clicks "cancel" on the application permissions popup, I redirect the user on an error page which contains a message explaining that he has to accept the permissions in order to participate to the contest and a new login button.
But when i click on the login button again, facebook displays the following message :
Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
If I wait for a while then click again on the login button It works as expected.
I read somewhere that facebook should be displaying "Leave application" in the permission popup instead of "Cancel" I guess this is the issue.
Anyone has any clue on how to solve that problem or should I submit a bug report on facebook.
This is currently open as a bug in Facebook's bug tracker, see here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/287587111265733 - I reproduced it myself earlier, and it's been assigned for fixing
I believe if you wait a while the dialog works again (i.e the failure only happens if you go back to the dialog quickly after rejecting it, which shouldn't really happen except when aggressively testing).