我想问一下。 如何在一个文本字段段之后增加休息。 例如,
是这样的: -
"A report is a textual work line 1
(usually of writing, speech, television, or film) line 2
made with the specific intention of line 3
relaying information" line 4
我想问一下。 如何在一个文本字段段之后增加休息。 例如,
是这样的: -
"A report is a textual work line 1
(usually of writing, speech, television, or film) line 2
made with the specific intention of line 3
relaying information" line 4
<band height="167" splitType="Stretch">
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<textElement markup="styled"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["A report is a textual work <br/>(usually of writing, speech, television, or film) <br/>made with the specific intention of <br/> relaying information"]]></textFieldExpression>
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<reportElement x="26" y="38" width="100" height="20"/>
<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["A report is a textual work\n(usually of writing, speech, television, or film)\nmade with the specific intention of \nrelaying information"]]></textFieldExpression>
有关使用样式的文本的详细信息在这里 。