I have some scala code I've written using IntelliJ with the SBT-Plugin and want to provide me code as an DLL for C++.
I already tried to use 'ikvmc': I packed all my classes via 'package' in one jar. Afterwards I manually set up one jar which contains all the dependencies I use (scala-library,scama,jamtio,jama). Unfortunately i obtain a lot of warnings:'IKVMC0119', "Emitted java.lang.VerificationError' and 'IKVMC0104' (analogously to the example below)!
Then i tried to convert a simple scala-class (no dependencies) using the method described above : package with sbt, add the scala-library.jar and try to convert it via ikvmc -target:library simpleClass.jar . I obtain the same warnings/errors as you see below...
I would be very happy if someone could give me a step-by-step explanation how to provide my Scala-code as an DLL.
Thanks a lot in advance!