How to generate SQL Script from MySQL Workbench us

2019-06-23 10:28发布


I'm currently using FinalBuilder to create a one-click building n’ generate install, but I faced with MySQL Workbench lack of capacity to generate SQL script from a command line.


You can actually automate this task with Python (or Lua) script - MySQL Workbench already has an interpreter under Scripting menu. Create a new script and use the stub:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import grt
from grt.modules import DbMySQLFE

c = grt.root.wb.doc.physicalModels[0].catalog
DbMySQLFE.generateSQLCreateStatements(c, c.version, {
    'GenerateDrops' : 1,
    'GenerateSchemaDrops' : 1,
    'OmitSchemata' : 1,
    'GenerateUse' : 1
DbMySQLFE.generateSQLCreateStatements(c, c.version, {
DbMySQLFE.createScriptForCatalogObjects(os.path.dirname(grt.root.wb.docPath) + 'ddl.sql', c, {})

It does not actully run from command line, but I beleive you can run it with --run-script option.


MySQL Workbench has a full Python Scripting API.

If you need additional features, please let us know:

  • MySQL Workbench