I'm trying to build a api site using Flask, and I am using Flask-jwt
to provide token authorization.
The authorizaiton works fine if I do CORS in Apache ( using mod_headers to add Allow-Access headers, like this
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
However, I want to have more detailed access control instead of just using wildcard. and I looked at flask-cors
, which is a nice wrapper to check origin and send the header.
And now my route looks like this (and no header manipulation in apache settings)
@cross_origin(headers=['Content-Type']) # Send Access-Control-Allow-Headers
def my_view_func():
do something
But now I will not get the Access-Control headers response from the server if I make the http request from javascript. (However, if I manually post, like doing curl, i can still see the cross origin plugin working and the Access control headers)
When I remove the @jwt_required
wrapper, the cross_origin wrapper functions fine and it will give me response.
when the jwt_required wrapper is applied, no response can be seen from the server.
I'm debugging my client page with chrome. BTW
I tried to change the order of the wrappers, but it doesn't help.
Is it possible that, if the authentication fails, the cross_origin wrapper will not send the Access Control headers?
the source code of the two wrappers :