I have just installed the Atom IDE and the package autocomplete-python (on Windows). But the package is not working. Do I have to make any setting changes? (I have disabled autocomplete-plus and autocomplete-snippets).
Do I need to separately install Jedi?
It worked when I enabled autocomplete-plus. It seems autocomplete-plus is required for autocomplete-python to work. (I had initially followed a youtube video in which autocomplete-plus and -snippets were disabled and then autocomplete-python was installed.)
If autocomplete-python in Atom not working with Python 3.7
In windows, go to:
Or in linux:
cd ~/.atom/packages/autocomplete-python/lib/jedi/parser
Duplicate file named "grammar3.6.txt" and change it to "grammar3.7.txt"
It's worked for me with python 3.7!
I was having the same problem, in order to fix it I added python executable path installed package setting and it worked.
In my case I had PyCharm, Anaconda and Python 2.7 was installed on my system and while using atom
editior I was not accessing any of the environment, was working on just a plain .py files saved on my desktop.
Same for me. I followed the previous answer but could not find autocomplete-plus (June 2018). I installed autocomplete and now both packages work just fine.
For me, enabling autocomplete-plus didn't help.
It worked when I changed the Python version that I am using from Python 3.7
to Python 3.6.6.
Late to the party, but I had the same issue and resolved it by adding a path to my site-packages for one of my virtual environments in the settings.
- On the toolbar, go to File-> Settings -> packages.
- Find your autocomplete-python package.
- Go to the settings of the autocomplete-python package.
- Scroll down to "Extra Paths For Packages".
- Copy and paste a path location to your site packages.
- Celebrate :)