I have the following mock setup, with an abstract type, concrete types as subtypes, and a function f
which takes two arguments, the first being a Letter
abstract type Letter end
struct A <: Letter end
struct B <: Letter end
f(::A, x) = ('a', x)
f(::B, x) = ('b', x)
a = A()
b = B()
I would like to define a custom call function for Letter
subtypes which simply calls f
(t::A)(x) = f(t, x)
(t::B)(x) = f(t, x)
While this works, it seems quite redundant, especially considering that there could be many more subtypes of Letter
. My attempts are as follows, but neither seem to work.
julia> (t::Letter)(x) = f(t, x)
ERROR: cannot add methods to an abstract type
julia> (t::T)(x) where T <: Letter = f(t, x)
ERROR: function type in method definition is not a type
How can I generalize a call function to match any (concrete) subtype of Letter