I have data.frame that contains several factors and i want to rename factor levels for all of these factors. E.g.:
mydf <- data.frame(col1 = as.factor(c("A","A",NA,NA)),col2 = as.factor(c("A",NA,NA,"A")))
mydf <- as.data.frame(lapply(mydf,addNA))
Note that the real life example has way more than just two columns. Hence I would like to use apply to assign other level names to all of these columns, just like in:
levels(mydf$col1) <- c("1","0")
I tried the following but it did not work…
apply(mydf,1,function(x) levels(x) <- c("1","0"))
I am not really surprised it doesn't work but I have no better ideas right now. Should I use with
EDIT: I realized I made a mistake here by oversimplifying things. I used addNA
to account for the fact, that NAs should not handled as NAs anymore. Thus I also want to relabel them.
This doesn't work with Andrie's suggestion and returns the following error message:
labels = c("1", : invalid labels; length 2 should be 1 or 1
Note that I updated my example df.