I have a grep
puzzle that's eluding me: I'd like to remove the text following the final period in a collection of strings (i am using R, so perl
syntax is available).
For example, say the string is ABCD.txt
this grep
would return ABCD
, and if the text was abc.com.foo.bar
, it would return abc.com.foo
Any help greatfully appreciated (i don't think i can drink any more coffee!).
Here are a few solutions:
sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", "abc.com.foo.bar") # 1
## [1] "abc.com.foo"
file_path_sans_ext("abc.com.foo.bar") # 3
## [1] "abc.com.foo"
ADDED. Regarding your comment asking to remove leading periods, simplest is to just feed this into any of the above where x
is the input string:
sub("^[.]*", "", x)
To do any of them in one line:
x <- c("abc.com.foo.bar", ".abc.com.foo.bar", ".vimrc")
sub("^[.]*(.*)[.]?.*$", "\\1", x) # 1a
## [1] "abc.com.foo.bar" "abc.com.foo.bar" "vimrc"
file_path_sans_ext(sub("^[.]*", "", x))
## [1] "abc.com.foo" "abc.com.foo" "vimrc"
And a non-regex answer for no reason whatsoever:
test <- c("abc.com.foo.bar","ABCD.txt")
sapply(strsplit(test,"\\."), function(x) paste0(head(x,-1),collapse=".") )
#[1] "abc.com.foo" "ABCD"
You can use sub
for example like this:
[1] "abc.com.foo" "ABCD"
I cannot help you with r and I almost forgot perl, but this works both in JS (proof) and PHP
/\.[A-Za-z]+$/ --> replace this with empty string ""
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | end of line
| only chars (you can add 0-9 if numbers are also present)
dot before last chars
the syntax of regex is rather common, so I'm sure you can adopt it (maybe just get rid of /