I'm struggling with some Javascript in my first rails application.
Partial: _care_point.html.erb
$(function() {
$( ".draggable" ).draggable({grid: [50, 20]});
$( ".node_input").each (function() {
$("#<%="node.#{care_point.id}" %>").live('dblclick', function(){
jQuery('.node_input', jQuery(this).parent()).show();
<div id=<%="care_point.#{care_point.id}" %> class='draggable node_chin'>
<div id=<%="node.#{care_point.id}" %> class='node'><%= care_point.body %>
<textarea class='node_input'><%= care_point.body %></textarea>
This is the output:
$(function() {
$( ".draggable" ).draggable({grid: [50, 20]});
$( ".node_input").each (function() {
$("#node.1").live('dblclick', function(){
jQuery('.node_input', jQuery(this).parent()).show();
<div id=care_point.1 class='draggable node_chin'>
<div id=node.1 class='node'>Moo foo
<textarea class='node_input'>Moo foo</textarea>
I first added the dblclick event listener classbased, but that caused it to be added multiple times. This made me change it to a id based approach, but now it does not work. Is it because I try to dynamically build up the id?
Is this even the righ place to do this kind of thing?