
How can I handle IPC between C and Python?

2019-06-22 01:34发布


I have a an application with two processes, one in C and one in Python. The C process is where all the heavy lifting is done, while the Python process handles the user interface.

The C program writes to a large-ish buffer 4 times per second, and the Python process reads this data. To this point the communication to the Python process has been done by AMQP. I would much rather setup some for of memory sharing between the two processes to reduce overhead and increase performance.

What are my options here? Ideally I would simply have the Python process read the physical memory straight (preferable from memory and not from disk), and then taking care of race conditions with Semaphores or something similar. This is however something I have little experience with, so I'd appreciate any help I can get.

I am using Linux btw.


Suggestion #1: The simplest way should be using TCP. You mentioned your data size is large. Unless your data size is too huge, you should be fine using TCP. Ensure you make separate threads in C and Python for transmitting/receiving data over TCP.

Suggestion #2: Python supports wrappers over C. One popular wrapper is ctypes - http://docs.python.org/2/library/ctypes.html

Assuming you are familiar with IPC between two C programs through shared-memory, you can write a C-wrapper for your python program which reads data from the shared memory.

Also check the following diccussion which talks about IPC between python and C++: Simple IPC between C++ and Python (cross platform)


How about writing the weight-lifting code as a library in C and then providing a Python module as wrapper around it? That is actually a pretty usual approach, in particular it allows prototyping and profiling in Python and then moving the performance-critical parts to C.

If you really have a reason to need two processes, there is an XMLRPC package in Python that should facilitate such IPC tasks. In any case, use an existing framework instead of inventing your own IPC, unless you can really prove that performance requires it.

标签: python c ipc