am using angular ui-router to manage states of my SPA. I have this route:
.state('', {
url: '/roleEdit',
templateUrl: 'app/administration/security/role/roleEdit.html',
controller: 'roleEditCtrl',
controllerAs: 'roleEditCtrl',
params: { data: null },
resolve: {
role: function ($stateParams) {
return angular.fromJson($;
modules: function (securityService) {
return securityService.getAllModules();
Also, I'm passing 'data' parameter as json object to the state. Now when i first load this state, everything is fine. But when i do browser refresh (F5 key) the $ is null in the resolve function of the state.
How can I solve this? I see these possible solutions: 1. persist somehow parameters 2. override browser refresh (don't know how) to stop the browser refreshing the app. 3. on refresh goto other sibling state.
Please help
UPDATE Ok, I set data like this:
vm.editRole = function(roleId){
var role = dataService.getRoleById(roleId).then(function(result){
$state.go('roleEdit', {data:angular.toJson(result)});
UPDATE 2 The roleEdit Controller looks like this:
['role','modules', '$scope', 'securityService', '$state', roleEditCtrl]);
function roleEditCtrl('role', 'modules',$scope, securityService, $state){
var vm = this;
vm.roles = roles;
vm.originalRole = angular.copy(role);
vm.saveChanges = _saveChanges;
vm.cancel = _cancel;
return vm;
function _saveChanges(){
function _cancel(){
vm.role = angular.copy(vm.originalRole);