I am looking for a way to wrap, with jQuery, an element into a comment, like:
<div class="my_element"></div>
and also a way to remove the comments.
Is this possible? because I couldn't find nothing related.
I am looking for a way to wrap, with jQuery, an element into a comment, like:
<div class="my_element"></div>
and also a way to remove the comments.
Is this possible? because I couldn't find nothing related.
To wrap an element with comment, or more specifically to replace an element with a comment node having that element's HTML:
my_element_jq = $('.my_element');
comment = document.createComment(my_element_jq.get(0).outerHTML);
To switch it back:
If you don't have the reference to the comment node then you need to traverse the DOM tree and check nodeType
of each node. If its value is 8 then it is a comment.
For example:
<div id="foo">
<!-- <div>hello world!</div> -->
// .contents() returns the children of each element in the set of matched elements,
// including text and comment nodes.
$("#foo").contents().each(function(index, node) {
if (node.nodeType == 8) {
// node is a comment
You can comment the element out by doing the following:
function comment(element){
element.wrap(function() {
return '<!--' + this.outerHTML + '"-->';
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/dirtyd77/THBpD/27/
I'm impresed nobody gave the following solution. The following solution require a container. This container will have inside, the commented / uncommented code.
function comment(element) {
element.html('<!--' + element.html() + '-->')
function uncomment(element) {
element.html(element.html().substring(4, element.html().length - 3))
function isCommented(element) {
return element.html().substring(0, 4) == '<!--';
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/ConsoleTVs/r6bm5nhz/
For wrapping?
function wrap(jQueryElement){
Not sure how successful you'd be finding the comments once wrapped though. A text search on the body element using regular expressions is an option.
Or this - is it possible to remove an html comment from dom using jquery