Let's say I have a stored procedure with this in its body:
EXEC 'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...'
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('' + @table + '')
Is IDENT_CURRENT() guaranteed to get the identity of that row INSERTed in the EXEC? IDENT_CURRENT() "returns the last identity value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope", but the scope is different within the EXEC than the stored procedure, right?
I want to make sure that if the stored procedure is being called multiple times at once, the correct identity is SELECTed.
EDIT: Or do I need to do both the INSERT and SELECT within the EXEC, like so:
declare @insert nvarchar
set @insert =
'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...' +
'SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(''' + @table + ''')'
EXEC @insert
And if that's the case, how do I SELECT the result of the EXEC if I want to continue with more code in T-SQL? Like this (although it's obviously not correct):
declare @insert nvarchar
set @insert =
'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...' +
'SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(''' + @table + ''')'
declare @ident int
set @ident = EXEC @insert
-- more code
UPDATE: In the very first snippet, if I SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() instead of using IDENT_CURRENT(), NULL is returned by the SELECT. :(
EXEC 'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...; SELECT @@IDENTITY'
or better, according to this
EXEC 'INSERT INTO ' + quotename(@table) ' blah...; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()'
According to Microsoft's T-SQL docs:
IDENT_CURRENT is similar to the SQL
Server 2000 identity functions
three functions return last-generated
identity values. However, the scope
and session on which last is defined
in each of these functions differ:
IDENT_CURRENT returns the last
identity value generated for a
specific table in any session and any
@@IDENTITY returns the last identity
value generated for any table in the
current session, across all scopes.
SCOPE_IDENTITY returns the last
identity value generated for any table
in the current session and the current
So I would say, no, IDENT_CURRENT does not guarantee to give you back the right value. It could be the last IDENTITY value inserted in a different session.
I would make sure to use SCOPE_IDENTITY instead - that should work reliably.
There is a bug in SCOPE_IDENTITY() I have switched my stored procedures over to the methodology used to retrieve default values from an insert:
declare @TheNewIds table (Id bigint, Guid uniqueidentifier)
insert [dbo].[TestTable] output inserted.Id, inserted.Guid into @TheNewIds
values (default);
select @Id = [Id], @Guid = [Guid] from @TheNewIds;
I think Scope_Identity() is what you're looking for, which will give you the most recent identify in the current scope.
I'd like to chip in my favourite solution by using OUTPUT keyword. Since INSERT can support multiple rows at a time, we would want to know the identities inserted. Here goes:
-- source table
if object_id('Source') is not null drop table Source
create table Source
Value datetime
-- populate source
insert Source select getdate()
waitfor delay '00:00.1'
insert Source select getdate()
waitfor delay '00:00.1'
insert Source select getdate()
select * from Source -- test
-- destination table
if object_id('Destination') is null
create table Destination
Id int identity(1, 1),
Value datetime
-- tracking table to keep all generated Id by insertion of table Destination
if object_id('tempdb..#Track') is null
create table #Track
Id int
else delete #Track
-- copy source into destination, track the Id using OUTPUT
insert Destination output inserted.Id into #Track select Value from Source
select Id from #Track -- list out all generated Ids
Go ahead to run this multiple times to feel how it works.