How do I make setw or something similar (boost format?) work with my user-defined ostream operators? setw only applies to the next element pushed to the stream.
For example:
cout << " approx: " << setw(10) << myX;
where myX is of type X, and I have my own
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const X &g) {
return os << "(" << g.a() << ", " << g.b() << ")";
Just make sure that all your output is sent to the stream as part of the same call to operator<<
. A straightforward way to achieve this is to use an auxiliary ostringstream
#include <sstream>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const X & g) {
ostringstream oss;
oss << "(" << g.a() << ", " << g.b() << ")";
return os << oss.str();
maybe like so using the width function:
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const X &g) {
int w = os.width();
return os << "(" << setw(w) << g.a() << ", " << setw(w) << g.b() << ")";