On a site of mine in which a textarea is used for submission, I have code that can appear something along the lines of the following:
When validating (XHTML 1.0 Transitional), this error arises,
line 88 column 50 - Error: document type does not allow element "p" here
If this is not a valid method, then what is expected? I could do a workaround with an onload JavaScript event, but that seems needless. Regardless this doesn't affect the output, but I'd rather my site validate.
is there a reason you're trying to put a <p>
within <textarea>
? as you found out it's not valid. if it's for display purposes (ie, showing code) it should be translated:
beyond validation issues, allowing arbitrary tags (which are not properly encoded as above) to display can be a huge security issue. it's paramount to make sure any user supplied input has been properly sanitized before it is displayed.
Would a CDATA section be an option for you?
Am I right in thinking your trying to make a WYSIWYG editor, such as TinyMCE? What most seem to do is use HTML entities in the textarea
and convert it to HTML via JavaScript.
You can leave out the tags in the text area, and when you need new lines use \n Otherwise use <p>
and </p>
in the place of your tags.
You could use an onload function to replace starts and ends tags of the textarea content.
eg: replace < > with < >
<textarea cols="" rows=""><p>text</p></textarea>
you could use this function on the posted data
function clean_data($value) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $value = stripslashes($value); }
$value = addslashes(htmlentities(trim($value)));
$value = str_replace("\'", "'", $value);
$value = str_replace("'", "'", $value);
$value = str_replace(":", ":", $value);
return $value;