I'm getting mixed signals from various forum posts. Does it exist natively by changing:
// Default 940px grid
// -------------------------
@gridColumns: 12;
@gridColumnWidth: 60px;
@gridGutterWidth: 20px;
@gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1));
// Default 940px grid
// -------------------------
@gridColumns: 16;
@gridColumnWidth: 40px;
@gridGutterWidth: 10px;
@gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1));
Is that all I need to do to create a 16 column layout? I've seen some forum posts saying that you have to go hard-code in selectors span11-16 for it to work because those no longer exist since Bootstrap 2.0 and can't be dynamically created.