
生成在当前新的ASP.NET会话的HttpContext(Generating a new ASP.

2019-06-21 11:50发布


不,这当然应该,我的意思是,为什么会产生只是一个全新的会话当前HTTPContext是那么难吗? 离奇! Anyway-我写了一个冒失的小工具类“只管去做”:

(代码格式化/高亮/ Visual Basic中的道歉我必须做一些错误的)

Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState

Public Class SwitchSession

    Public Shared Sub SetNewSession(ByVal context As HttpContext)
        ' This value will hold the ID managers action to creating a response cookie
        Dim cookieAdded As Boolean
        ' We use the current session state as a template
        Dim state As HttpSessionState = context.Session
        ' We use the default ID manager to generate a new session id
        Dim idManager As New SessionIDManager()
        ' We also start with a new, fresh blank state item collection
        Dim items As New SessionStateItemCollection()
        ' Static objects are extracted from the current session context
        Dim staticObjects As HttpStaticObjectsCollection = _
        ' We construct the replacement session for the current, some parameters are new, others are taken from previous session
        Dim replacement As New HttpSessionStateContainer( _
                 idManager.CreateSessionID(context), _
                 items, _
                 staticObjects, _
                 state.Timeout, _
                 True, _
                 state.CookieMode, _
                 state.Mode, _
        ' Finally we strip the current session state from the current context
        ' Then we replace the assign the active session state using the replacement we just constructed
        SessionStateUtility.AddHttpSessionStateToContext(context, replacement)
        ' Make sure we clean out the responses of any other inteferring cookies
        ' Save our new cookie session identifier to the response
        idManager.SaveSessionID(context, replacement.SessionID, False, cookieAdded)
    End Sub

End Class


惊喜惊喜然后,当下次请求到达服务器时, HTTPContext.Session (一个HTTPSessionState对象)标识本身正确SessionID ,但IsNewSession设置为True ,并且是空的,失去所有的以前的请求设置会话值。



Answer 1:

我想与大家分享我的魔法。 其实,不,它没有神奇的。我们应该测试和进化的代码更。 我只在cookie的,InProc会话模式测试了这些代码。 把这些方法你的页面中,并调用它,你需要重新生成的ID(请设置您的web应用程序完全信任):

void regenerateId()
    System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager manager = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager();
    string oldId = manager.GetSessionID(Context);
    string newId = manager.CreateSessionID(Context);
    bool isAdd = false, isRedir = false;
    manager.SaveSessionID(Context, newId, out isRedir, out isAdd);
    HttpApplication ctx = (HttpApplication)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance;
    HttpModuleCollection mods = ctx.Modules;
    System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule ssm = (SessionStateModule)mods.Get("Session");
    System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = ssm.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
    SessionStateStoreProviderBase store = null;
    System.Reflection.FieldInfo rqIdField = null, rqLockIdField = null, rqStateNotFoundField = null;
    foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields)
        if (field.Name.Equals("_store")) store = (SessionStateStoreProviderBase)field.GetValue(ssm);
        if (field.Name.Equals("_rqId")) rqIdField = field;
        if (field.Name.Equals("_rqLockId")) rqLockIdField = field;
        if (field.Name.Equals("_rqSessionStateNotFound")) rqStateNotFoundField = field;
    object lockId = rqLockIdField.GetValue(ssm);
    if ((lockId != null) && (oldId !=null)) store.ReleaseItemExclusive(Context, oldId, lockId);
    rqStateNotFoundField.SetValue(ssm, true);
    rqIdField.SetValue(ssm, newId);

我一直在四处.NET源代码(即是可用http://referencesource.microsoft.com/netframework.aspx ),并发现没有办法,我可以再生的SessionID没有黑客的会话管理机制的内部。 所以,我做到这一点 - 破解SessionStateModule内部字段,所以它会在当前会话保存到一个新的ID。 也许目前的HttpSessionState对象仍然有以前的ID,但据我所知的SessionStateModule忽略了它。 它只是使用内部_rqId场时,它必须保存在某个地方的状态。 我曾尝试其他方式,比如复制SessionStateModule到一个新的类与再生ID功能,(我打算用这个类来代替SessionStateModule),但失败了,因为它目前拥有的其他内部类(如InProcSessionStateStore)引用。 使用反射黑客的缺点是,我们需要我们的应用程序设置为“完全信任”。


Sub RegenerateID()
    Dim manager
    Dim oldId As String
    Dim newId As String
    Dim isRedir As Boolean
    Dim isAdd As Boolean
    Dim ctx As HttpApplication
    Dim mods As HttpModuleCollection
    Dim ssm As System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule
    Dim fields() As System.Reflection.FieldInfo
    Dim rqIdField As System.Reflection.FieldInfo
    Dim rqLockIdField As System.Reflection.FieldInfo
    Dim rqStateNotFoundField As System.Reflection.FieldInfo
    Dim store As SessionStateStoreProviderBase
    Dim field As System.Reflection.FieldInfo
    Dim lockId
    manager = New System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager
    oldId = manager.GetSessionID(Context)
    newId = manager.CreateSessionID(Context)
    manager.SaveSessionID(Context, newId, isRedir, isAdd)
    ctx = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance
    mods = ctx.Modules
    ssm = CType(mods.Get("Session"), System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule)
    fields = ssm.GetType.GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)
    store = Nothing : rqLockIdField = Nothing : rqIdField = Nothing : rqStateNotFoundField = Nothing
    For Each field In fields
        If (field.Name.Equals("_store")) Then store = CType(field.GetValue(ssm), SessionStateStoreProviderBase)
        If (field.Name.Equals("_rqId")) Then rqIdField = field
        If (field.Name.Equals("_rqLockId")) Then rqLockIdField = field
        If (field.Name.Equals("_rqSessionStateNotFound")) Then rqStateNotFoundField = field
    lockId = rqLockIdField.GetValue(ssm)
    If ((Not IsNothing(lockId)) And (Not IsNothing(oldId))) Then store.ReleaseItemExclusive(Context, oldId, lockId)
    rqStateNotFoundField.SetValue(ssm, True)
    rqIdField.SetValue(ssm, newId)

End Sub

Answer 2:

正如Gencer提到 - ReleaseItemExclusive不会从存储中删除旧的会话,并导致该会话最终到期并在Global.asax中调用Session_End中。 这引起了我们的生产是一个大问题,因为我们是在Session_End中清除线程的身份,也正因为如此 - 使用者自发地对线程失去认证。


Dim oHTTPContext As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current

Dim oSessionIdManager As New SessionIDManager
Dim sOldId As String = oSessionIdManager.GetSessionID(oHTTPContext)
Dim sNewId As String = oSessionIdManager.CreateSessionID(oHTTPContext)

Dim bIsRedir As Boolean = False
Dim bIsAdd As Boolean = False
oSessionIdManager.SaveSessionID(oHTTPContext, sNewId, bIsRedir, bIsAdd)

Dim oAppContext As HttpApplication = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance

Dim oModules As HttpModuleCollection = oAppContext.Modules

Dim oSessionStateModule As SessionStateModule = _
  DirectCast(oModules.Get("Session"), SessionStateModule)

Dim oFields() As FieldInfo = _
  oSessionStateModule.GetType.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic Or _

Dim oStore As SessionStateStoreProviderBase = Nothing
Dim oRqIdField As FieldInfo = Nothing
Dim oRqItem As SessionStateStoreData = Nothing
Dim oRqLockIdField As FieldInfo = Nothing
Dim oRqStateNotFoundField As FieldInfo = Nothing

For Each oField As FieldInfo In oFields
    If (oField.Name.Equals("_store")) Then
        oStore = DirectCast(oField.GetValue(oSessionStateModule), _
    End If
    If (oField.Name.Equals("_rqId")) Then
        oRqIdField = oField
    End If
    If (oField.Name.Equals("_rqLockId")) Then
        oRqLockIdField = oField
    End If
    If (oField.Name.Equals("_rqSessionStateNotFound")) Then
        oRqStateNotFoundField = oField
    End If
    If (oField.Name.Equals("_rqItem")) Then
        oRqItem = DirectCast(oField.GetValue(oSessionStateModule), _
    End If

If oStore IsNot Nothing Then

    Dim oLockId As Object = Nothing

    If oRqLockIdField IsNot Nothing Then
        oLockId = oRqLockIdField.GetValue(oSessionStateModule)
    End If

    If (oLockId IsNot Nothing) And (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(sOldId)) Then
        oStore.ReleaseItemExclusive(oHTTPContext, sOldId, oLockId)
        oStore.RemoveItem(oHTTPContext, sOldId, oLockId, oRqItem)
    End If

    oRqStateNotFoundField.SetValue(oSessionStateModule, True)
    oRqIdField.SetValue(oSessionStateModule, sNewId)

End If

Answer 3:

你有没有考虑使用HttpSessionState.Abandon方法 ? 这应该清理一切。 然后开始一个新的会话,并与你从你的代码存储上面的所有项目来填充它。

Session.Abandon(); 应该足够了。 否则,你可以尝试去加倍努力,多带几个电话,如果它仍然固执:


Answer 4:


<sessionState regenerateExpiredSessionId="False" />


Answer 5:


 System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager manager = new System.Web.SessionState.SessionIDManager();
            HttpContext Context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
            string oldId = manager.GetSessionID(Context);
            string newId = manager.CreateSessionID(Context);
            bool isAdd = false, isRedir = false;
            manager.SaveSessionID(Context, newId, out isRedir, out isAdd);
            HttpApplication ctx = (HttpApplication)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance;
            HttpModuleCollection mods = ctx.Modules;
            System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule ssm = (SessionStateModule)mods.Get("Session");
            System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = ssm.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            SessionStateStoreProviderBase store = null;
            System.Reflection.FieldInfo rqIdField = null, rqLockIdField = null, rqStateNotFoundField = null;
            foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields)
                if (field.Name.Equals("_store")) store = (SessionStateStoreProviderBase)field.GetValue(ssm);
                if (field.Name.Equals("_rqId")) rqIdField = field;
                if (field.Name.Equals("_rqLockId")) rqLockIdField = field;
                if (field.Name.Equals("_rqSessionStateNotFound")) rqStateNotFoundField = field;
            object lockId = rqLockIdField.GetValue(ssm);
            if ((lockId != null) && (oldId != null)) store.ReleaseItemExclusive(Context, oldId, lockId);
            rqStateNotFoundField.SetValue(ssm, true);
            rqIdField.SetValue(ssm, newId);

文章来源: Generating a new ASP.NET session in the current HTTPContext